Run On connects Athletes in wheelchairs with the runners who push them.
From high school track to full marathons, we can help you run.

“Having the chance to join cross-country and track has blessed every aspect of [our daughter’s] life… As a parent, there is no way we could have duplicated the love, growth, and confidence she has gained by being a part of a team.”
— Tamara, Mother of Run On Athlete
2/3 of people are nervous to talk to someone in a wheelchair
and 1/3 of people avoid the interaction altogether.
This can make life pretty lonely for the 5% of the world’s population that are in wheelchairs.
“Athlete” with a capital “A”
Run On's students in wheelchairs are Athletes in every sense of the word. With specialized running wheelchairs, they run the same warm ups, the same practices, and the same races as everyone else. They compete, win, lose, sweat, and wear a jersey.

“When I’m running I don’t feel like I’m in a wheelchair anymore.”
-Cameron Judd, Athlete